Karolina sees paper crafting as a heeling tool and therapy. Paper crafting offers so many possibilities in order to develop your creativity, and because of that and by learning new things our creativity becomes unlimited. Maybe that is why Karolina has been making cards for almost 20 years and still enjoys the process so much. We are delighted to present Karolina and her marvelous art in TPC Magazine.

Who are you? Can you tell us about yourself?
My name is Karolina Osuchowska. I’m 43 and I’m from Poland, but I have been living in the UK for 18 years now. I’m married, and I have son named Max. We live in West Yorkshire with dog Bella and cat Stampy. I work in education, but after work, I am a crazy crafter. I love listening to music, especially while creating something in my craft room. I love anything that has to do with paper, stamping and mixed media. Also, I enjoy renovating the furniture and sewing. I like to be open-minded; that is why I try to create projects in many styles and techniques.
When did you start with paper crafting? Why did you start with paper crafting?
I made my first card in 2003; for my mum; before moving to England. I used some papers I found around my home. I remember I’ve glued in a dry slice of orange in the middle of the card. To be honest I am not sure where there any craft shops in 2003, in Poland. However, in October 2004, I bought my first scrapbooking product; It was a plastic box with a kit to create cards. In the bundle were some stickers, very basic wooden stamps and crayons, scrapbooking papers, some plain ones, base cards and envelopes. I’ve created some cards; they were so bad, but I didn’t see that because I was excited. So I created some cards from time to time.
What is the best thing about paper crafting?
I think crafting is a “healing tool.” For me, in some way, paper crafting is therapy (sometimes as expensive as therapy, especially at the beginning of the adventure with crafting). In paper crafting, I love the variety of techniques, styles etc. So many possibilities to develop your creativity. I believe that learning new things is fascinating, and thanks to that, our creativity becomes unlimited.
Have you made any mistakes when paper crafting and would you like to tell about it?
Of course, I made mistakes, and sometimes I make mistakes even now, after many years of practice. The mistakes happen. However, we should learn from our mistakes. In the beginning, I glued the top of the card to the base of the card upside down. Nowadays days I am more careful.
What kind of paper projects do you make?
I love making journals, art journals, ATCs, bookmarks, tags, canvas, layouts, albums, and any card type. Honestly, I love to create most of the projects related to paper.
How often do you craft?
I do craft as often as possible. Even at work, before 2020, I ran a craft club at my school. Also, on holiday, I always take some craft stuff with me. I know. I am in love with the craft.
Can you describe your style? Have your style changed since you started?
My style is a mixture of scrapbooking and mixed media. Initially, I focused mainly on cards, then albums and little projects like bookmarks etc. When my eyes discovered the mixed media world, it blew my mind.
Show us 3-5 of your favourite projects. Why are these your favourites?

What inspires you?
Well, it’s hard to say, but I think inspiration can come from anything; the people, places, mood. Above all watching artists inspires me the most; I love to watch how their work evolves from the beginning to the end.
Do know of any Scandinavian paper crafters and what is your impression of Scandinavian paper craft?
I know Marie Johansson from Sweden. We were together in Canvas Corps Brand Design Team. I like her projects very much. I also subscribe to some Scandinavian crafters’ YouTube channels.
Is there anything in paper crafting you would like to learn?
I would like to focus more on mixed media and gel printing.
Can you mention five products/tools you cannot live without?
I cannot live without scissors, paper, glue, inks, and stamps. To be honest, five items are not enough. My essential list includes at least ten products.
What is on top of your wish list right now?
I am aware that I have a lot of things. Paper craft can be very addictive in both ways; you can create a lot and buy too many things. We need to learn how to find a balance. Currently, I need to by a few Distress Oxides Ink pads.
Who in the paper crafting community would you like to meet «in real life»? Why?
There are too many talented people I would like to meet in “real life”. I can’t pick only one.
Can you describe your craftroom?
One big mess. We relocated my craft room into the third bedroom. I love my craft room, and despite my artistic chaos, I can relax in this room.

Other things you would like to mention in the presentation?
I would like to thank you for the possibility of being in this interview.
Where can we find you? (Blog, website, social media etc.)
Facebook: @HandmadeByKarolaaa
Instagram: @handmade_by_karola
Blog: karolinaslittlecreations.blogspot
Pinterest: @karolinaauk

This post is published by TPC Magazine.