Red – Not popular, but Passionate

Red is not among the most popular colors for paper crafters. In a poll with over 800 votes in TPC’s Facebook group only 5 percent stated that they preferred to use red when paper crafting. Maybe that is because we associate red with Christmas and Love and think it is not suitable for other paper projects? But red is also associated with energy and passion.

  • Color Category: Primary Color – Warm Color
  • Complementary Color: Green
  • Mixing ratio – Color Mixing: NA
  • Symbolism: Red is the most vivid and attention-grabbing color and is associated with passion and energy. Red stimulates adrenal glands and nerve cells.
  • Positive Characteristics: Energy, Power, Passion.
  • Negative Characteristics: Danger, stress, frustration, aggressiveness.
  • Associated styles: Classic – Gothic –  Pop Art – Punk


Mood Board

We have put together a Mood Board in red. Hopefully it can inspire you to make a card or a layout in this passionate and energic color? Red is after all one of the colors that the eye registers most easily.

Source: TPC , Spa Nirvana, Wikimedia, Gjøco, Veien til helse
Photo: Ryan McQuire, Heung Soon, adege,
adonyig, radu_floryn22, Myriams-Fotos Pixabay License
