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Cupid’s Arrows

Cupid's Arrows - three arrows

I was surfing Instagram a little while ago to find some inspiration. There I came across different varieties of love arrows made on a base of paper straws. There was a great variety from the very simple ones to those that were very decorated. I was very inspired to make some arrows myself. Paper straws are the bases for the arrows, for me both a new and fun project.

Three arrows with the same theme, but with different decorations. At the back of the arrows I have shaped and cut paper so that they will give an association with feathers. The base consists of a single straw. It doesn’t give much space so I had to think and design differently than I usually do.


Here I have drawn and cut the arrow at the front directly on the pattern sheet. The text here is taken from the lower strip of a pattern sheet. I have glued the pinch in the middle to the straw, but only the back. That way, the clip can be opened and the tickets can be exchanged. The springs at the back consist of several layers in different sizes, glued together against the suction tube. The feathers are decorated with large pearls and small flowers.

I made this arrow first and thought it might be enough. But after two or three days I had to make two more. I have used various dies here, heart balloons, elephant and text as well as the heart on the front of the arrow. Love is punched out of gold cardboard. The text fits perfectly with the cute elephant. I have used several layers of pattern sheets on the feathers at the back of the arrow here and. It gives some depth and fullness.

The last arrow is similar, but different from the others. Here I have punched out three hearts which are glued one after the other to create an arrow in front. I have written the text by hand and cut it into pieces word by word. It is decorated with a butterfly made of white paper clay together with small white hearts in acrylic and hearts in gold. Not so easy to see, but there are two arrows in gold together with text in gold. String of beads on each side of the straw. The spring at the back consists of layers upon layers here and there.


Cupid’s arrows come with various messages of love. There is no space for writing your own greeting here. A fun little twist together with a gift or as a gift in itself.

Hope you were inspired to make some Cupid’s arrows for Valentine’s Day or for another occasion.
