If you need design tips for card making in September, it can be useful to know that each month of the year has its own flowers and stones associated with it. In September, forget-me-nots, asters and wormwood are the flowers of the month, while sapphire is the stone of the month. I have made a birthday card where I try to use flowers and bling that can be reminiscent of forget-me-nots, asters and sapphires.
This card is made in the pastel colors light blue and pink, while the bling on the card is dark blue like sapphire. It’s not a color combination I would normally choose, but I think it’s exciting to challenge yourself to create something new.
In October I’m back with a new card inspired by monthly flowers and monthly stones. If you were inspired to make something yourself, please send me pictures. You can send photos to: editor@thepapercrafting.com – then we’ll feature them in TPC Magazine in a little while.
Photo: Jonas Bergsten, Wikimedia (For-get-me-not), License: CC0 1.0
Quagga, Pixabay (Asters), License: CC0 1.0
KeepOpera, Wikimedia (Wormwood), License: GNU Free Documentation License
LesFacettes, Wikimedia (Sapphire), License: CC BY-SA 3.0
This post is published by TPC Magazine.