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Valentine ideas

Valentine is coming up in a few weeks time. I think Valentine, is either something you are really in to or not. A lot of scrapbookers do make Valentine cards and gifts. This article will give you some ideas for things you can create for Valentine. The good thing is that if you don@t celebrate Valentine, you can still use the ideas for other occasions.


Valentine cards

If you want to make a card for valentine, hare are some ideas. In this video Yana Smakula  from Simon Says is showing you how to make some very sweet and simple Valentine’s cards.

In this video Karen Titus is showing how to make 12 simple Valentine’s cards.

In this video Jane is showing you how to make a Venentie’s shaker card.

Valentine treat boxes

Angie Juda is showing how you can create a simple treat box in this video Chicnscratch. In this video she is giving you a tutorial on how to make these from scratch.

Angie Pyjas is showing you a different version of the same box is this video. This is to show that you can use the same idea, in different ways and get quite different projects.

In this video Helen Griffin from Stamping up, is showing you how to make a small American post box, with room for two  Ferrero Rocher. This is a really sweet little treat box.

This is another video from Angie Pyjas, showing you how to make this Valentines box from scratch.

This box is a sweet an simple box, made by Elaine, from scratch with a window. This box is closing with a magnet.

Valentine presents with vinyl

If you have a vinyl cutter like Silhouette or Cricut, you should be able to make quite simple presents from small and cheap items from the shop.  Kim Byers is showing you 10 simple creative ideas for Valentine, that you can create with your vinyl cutter.


Valentine mini album

If you are in for the big present, an idea is a mini album. These can take a lot of time to make. Kelly is showing you an example of a minialbum here. The possibilities are endless with mini albums.

In this video Robyn Pitts is showing you another mini album with book rings binding. This is full of layers, bling, flowers, ribbon and details.


Enjoy your crafty week